Saturday, December 25, 2010

Painting from a Master

I used Van Gogh's Ox Cart as a reference to create my own painting. I love how animated and vibrant such depressing content could be.

Second Painting

For the second painting I did a portrait of my fiancee. She doesn't like the pose she is in... but I am a big fan of candid poses. Acrylic on canvas.

First Painting

I am learning to paint now. Here is "sandwich". It was shown at Food for Thought, the student run vegetarian cafeteria at Portland State. It was made with acrylic on canvas.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Animated Music Video

An animation I made for my Time Arts class. The music was created by my friends Chris and Justin Martin.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Self Portrait

Here is a half size bust of myself. It is currently being fired. I plan to put it on the piano.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Life Size Hand Sculpture

I created a 1:1 sculpture of my hand holding a crystal ball. Here are the images. I am planning on making a food grade mold so I can bring chocolate or even jello versions to dinner parties.

Monday, February 8, 2010

One Quarter Size Sitting Figure

Here are some photos from my first ever figure sculpture. I am currently taking figure sculpture and figure drawing to get a better sense of proportion in 3d and 2d space. We used armature wire to create the basic pose and then oil based clay to form the shape of the model. Tough, but it continued to open my eye to details I would normally take for granted.